Here we announce an important milestone of our after school program, Joyful Learning, at Give Chances.
Until now, our program ran on paperworks and various forms per function. Although we saw a growth in the students' academic achievement and in our size, there was always a lingering inconvenience in how we operated.
Now with the new system launched by Codiz (link to their website), our support corporation, we were able to actualize every feature that the students, volunteers, and even lead teachers have asked for in one database. From educational resources for students to the management of volunteers for lead teachers, the system comprises so many functions. As a whole, this system will simplify and expedite the administrative process, letting the students and volunteers devote more energy on teaching and learning.
Our goal with Joyful Learning is to expand the program across the nation, and possibly over the globe. There are still countless more students in the world who are impacted by educational inequality due to an unfair access to resources. The vision of Give Chances is to let no one fall away from our reach and to be available wherever and whenever we are needed. Thus, a system that could endorse an exponentially growing number of people was crucial.
With your attention and support, we were able to employ this system and open a new dimension to Joyful Learning. Thank you always for your interest with Give Chances, and please await for more exciting news of our wholehearted works for educational equality!
#givechances #qualityeducationforall #equityineducation #volunteeropportunities #codizsoft #newwebsite #newwebsitelaunch