Spring is around the corner.. Spring into Life!

Spring is around the corner..
Spring into Life!

With the weather being warmer and the fields becoming more colorful, our DDartist started a new art project that could spread love around the neighborhood.

This project was proposed by Jason Hur, the president of our wonderful Chance Makers team. Chance Makers is a youth leadership group composed of current volunteer teachers at Give Chances, and their activities focus on the advocacy for educational inequity awareness.

Our DDartists expressed their artistic selves with acrylic paint on white flower pots. These decorated pots will be filled, planted, and distributed to low-income families and neighborhoods by our committed members of Chance Makers.

Like the flower seed inside each pot, the love and hope that the DDartists received from the community will spring into life. Love becomes ever more powerful when it is watered and shared with those in need.

Eunsong, our most prolific artist! She is so immersed in the creative process...

Andy joined our DDartist program only few weeks ago. He loves coming here and always fills the place with laughter. He enjoys painting faces with big smiles, just like himself!
Finished flower pots waiting to find their homes :)

Would you become a part and continue the legacy of love?

#givechances #chancemakers #ddartist #artistwithdisability #artistwithdisabilities #timetobloom #spring


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