A Thrilling Opportunity to Engage with Brilliant Kids _ Irene Kim (10th Grade, Leonia High School)

A Thrilling Opportunity to Engage with Brilliant Kids _ Irene Kim (10th Grade, Leonia High School)

My overall experience at Give Chances has been such a privilege. Helping the kids learn wasn’t easy at first, but from time to time, I gained some experiences. I learned so much from the kids and how exciting it was to engage with them. Seeing the kids grow in mind and heart was a thrilling journey. For many of us, volunteering is merely just something we use to look good on a resume that must take part in, but the experience you get out of it is worth so much more. We get to watch the kids socialize with the other kids. It is exciting watching them interact with the kids and the volunteers too. The students have proven so much of their potential capabilities over a couple of months as well. Volunteering helps open your eyes to the needs of the community while making a positive impact. Thus, the conclusion is that it’s been such a diverting opportunity to engage and watch the students grow!
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