As the summer comes to an end and a new school year approaches, Give Chances held an election to appoint our extra passionate and creative volunteers. All of these positions require a great sense of responsibility as volunteers in these positions must devote a lot of their time and energy into the program. Most importantly, the volunteers who were appointed into these positions must have a strong passion for helping the community, specifically addressing educational disparities. All of our Chance Makers are always ready to be an ardent advocate for our mission of quality education for all. Even though they were appointed just last week, they have already showcased their steady passion by coming out with amazing ideas for fundraisers and promotions that will undoubtedly expand Give Chances and bring us a step closer to our ultimate mission. We can’t wait to celebrate our new Chance Makers at the Ceremony next week! We are so excited to see what our Chance Makers are capable of and we look forward to the bright future ahead!