Can't wait to see DDartists' New Product "DJ Chew Chew"
DDartists is preparing to launch our new product, "DJ Chew Chew". DJ Chew Chew is perfect for creating and developing sensory experiences for infants and babies. DJ Chew Chew emphasizes these 4 sensories: touch, hearing, vision, muscle sense (biting and chewing). A baby’s earliest learning happens through the sensory system and especially when the stimulations are combined. This blend of sensories in DJ Chew Chew supports healthy developing bodily skills and assists in brain development by building more nerve connections in the brain’s pathways. Touch is a powerful learning tool for enhancing early emotional learning while learning to be sensitive to what they feel. In addition, when the babies bite or chew on the product, there will be various lights that stimulate light receptors in the eyes, which are then inputted into the brain. The product incorporates a number of familiar words and sounds through the use of lullabies, nursery rhymes, and song sound effects in diverse styles. DJ Chew Chew is a product that will be particularly beneficial for babies and toddlers who are teething and looking for things to “chew chew” on!