Huge thanks to Give Chances donors and supports, we were able to work with a professional art teacher Ms. Kim to give our students at the Palisades Park learning center opportunities to receive extracurricular art classes every Friday! Ms. Kim comes from extensive experiences in education and arts. She is using her expertise in the field to take the lead to provide quality art class to students with limited resources to explore different areas of interests that they otherwise would not have opportunity to.
One of our students came to the Joyful Learning program on friday with a huge excitement, asking “Is today the art class day?! Are we going to do watercolor, or drawing? What are we going to make today?”
It fulfilled both Ms. Kim and Give Chances members with happiness and joy as we shared students’ excitement towards art classes. All of your support allowed us to provide art supplies such as watercolor set, sketchbook, and craft materials so that our students can enjoy their art class with Ms. Kim without having to worry about potential financial issues!