[Give Chances] September Weekly Newsletter 2

Chance Makers Step Up for Love & Sharing Concert

On September 9th, we held an exciting and productive meeting with the students from the Chance Makers and Junior Chance Makers programs. These remarkable young leaders, who are learning about advocacy, leadership, and community support, will be volunteering at our upcoming Love & Sharing Concert. During the meeting, we discussed everyone’s roles and responsibilities to ensure that the event runs smoothly. The Chance Makers have been tasked with the responsibility of helping our Love & Sharing Concert run smoothly, and they stepped up with enthusiasm. Their involvement is key to making this concert a success, and we’re so grateful for their energy and commitment!

Join us on Wednesday, September 18th at the Korean Community Center in Tenafly for our Annual Love & Sharing Concert! This will be an unforgettable evening of music, charity, and community. Featuring an outstanding lineup of performances, an exciting raffle, and a special exhibition of DDartists' artwork, this is an event you won't want to miss. Plus, our dedicated Chance Makers will be working hard behind the scenes to help make the night run smoothly!

If you resonate with Give Chances' cause and would like to take part our mission, please use the link below to donate. Thank you.

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