Give Chances has always been passionate about its long-standing goal: to provide support to children from low-income communities nationwide. This means expansion has been an important part of its track to reaching this dream, and this year, we got even closer to our vision. Give Chances has connected to communities all over the United States, from Arizona, to California, to Pennsylvania. Now, its after school online programs are being promoted on the national scale.
The issue of educational inequality in our society has always been an issue at the forefront of our concerns, however, the learning and knowledge gap seem to be increasing much more rapidly due to the COVID-19 pandemic that continues to run rampant. To combat this, Give Chances launched an online class for students in Arizona, starting in March.
These classes were implemented to directly aid the Hopi Reservation, which is a Native American reservation for the Hopi and Arizone Tewa people. The students are all from extremely low-income families and have no access to quality education and timely care.
Like the students from Arizona, Give Chances hopes to continue spreading its wings in order to help more students across the nation and allow many others to benefit from our program.