The Wonderful Opportunity to Volunteer During Covid Lea Choe (10th Grade, Leonia High School)
My experience at Give Chances has been a unique yet good one. While I started volunteering over the pandemic quarantine, the experience has still been great. The past year or so I have spent volunteering have been some of the most interesting, stressful, yet fun months of my life and volunteering at Give Chances has been part of that. Online school isn’t easy for anyone, especially elementary school students. Helping the young students weekly and assisting in their education has been one of the largest privileges this year. Whether it be reading, writing, or problem solving skills it is apartments that the young students are progressing as students in a tough time for elementary level education. Volunteering has really opened my eyes to how important a good quality education is. Being able to be a resource for these students to expand their scope of knowledge has been a great experience and I hope to continue to watch the students grow in the future.