Frequently Asked Questions
[Joyful Learning]
To assist our students, volunteers, and parents more efficiently, we have made a series of frequently asked questions available on this page. The topics include how to use the service, student tuition fee, volunteer hours, and more!
For Student (English)
Application Process
1. How do I apply?
Please visit this link and follow the instructions.
2. Can I send my child?
Students of grades 1st-8th are eligible to apply.
Students of low-income families are welcome to apply. A family’s low-income status is determined by the position of their annual income within the HUD (The Department of Housing and Urban Development) Income Limits.
3. How much is the tuition fee?
The Joyful Learning After school program’s tuition fee is $100/month without any financial assistance.
4. Am I eligible for any financial assistance?
Your eligibility for the financial assistance is decided by your annual income and where it falls under the HUD (The Department of Housing and Urban Development) Income Limits. Detailed income limits vary per year, the size of the household, and state/county.
5. What kind of financial documents do you accept?
We ask for your last year’s tax return document (Form 1040) that indicates your annual income. If this is not applicable to you due to your inability to file taxes (i.e. unstable immigrant status), you may call us at 201-266-0640 and explain your situation. In this case, you may submit supplementary documents.
Examples of acceptable supplementary documents:
- Free or reduced lunch letter from your school
- Proof of SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program or food stamp) eligibility
- Proof of SSI (Supplemental Security Income) eligibility
- Recommendation letter filled out by someone who can speak for your financial situation
6. When and where is the Joyful Learning after school program offered?
In-person Center Locations:
356 Changebridge Rd, Pine Brook, NJ 07058 (Parsippany, NJ) -Tues, Wed, Thurs
500 Broad Ave, Palisades Park, New Jersey 07650 (Palisades Park, NJ) -Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri
5806 Springfield Blvd, Oakland Gardens, NY 11364 (Bayside, NY) -Tues, Wed, Thurs
Online (Zoom) -Monday through Friday
Password: 111111
*Each center’s operation dates are subject to change due to circumstances.
*The program schedule follows the state’s public school academic calendar and observes all national holidays. Specific dates for the Summer and Winter breaks are to be determined every year.
Program Operation Time: 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. (EST)
1. Who is my point of contact?
Please contact your center’s Lead Teacher. If you are not connected with them yet, please contact the headquarters during the office hours.
Call: (201) 266-0640 or Email:
1. Who should I contact if my child cannot join the meeting?
Call: (201) 266-0640 or Email:, tell the student’s name and the situation.
2. How do I know that my child is performing well?
Usually the Lead Teacher goes to every zoom breakout room (where students and volunteers have sessions separately) and checks the status of the work, fluency of the communication, and the quality of the education. Volunteers are required to record their zoom teaching session and submit it at the end of the day so the lead-teachers can recheck the entire session.
General Inquiry
1. How is this program structured?
The Joyful Learning after school program is structured around two axes: Homework assistance and Additional enrichment. During each session, we first help the student finish their homework. Then, we provide additional Math/ELA enrichment sessions utilizing our educational resources and materials. Please see these links for our educational resources and materials.
We also provide special extracurricular classes upon availability. Extracurricular classes provided so far include visual art, music, dance, science, coding, ELL, etc.
2. Do you provide a Summer program?
We try our best every year to provide an in-person Summer camp. Specific dates are subject to change and can be different per location. Please inquire your lead teacher or the headquarters office for more details.
3. Who are the volunteer tutors?
High school students. Volunteers of and over the age of 18 go under background check.
4. What do you mean by Math/ELA enrichment?
We provide remedial support in Math aiming to support children’s competence in core academic subjects. Utilizing Singapore Math (Marshall Cavendish Education) and supplementary worksheets according to the needs of each student, we provide tutoring sessions that are personalized to each student’s level.
We provide remedial support in English literacy to boost children’s competence in core academic subjects. Utilizing the Great Books series (Great Books Foundation), we provide tutoring sessions that are personalized to each student's level. The English Enrichment program will serve to bring students up to or above grade level proficiency according to the national Common Core Standards.
For Students (Korean)
프로그램 신청 절차
1. 방과후 학교 프로그램 신청하려면 어떻게 해야 하나요?
위에 링크를 클릭하여 들어가신 다음 신청 절차 설명에 따라 진행하여주시면 됩니다.
2. 신청 자격이 있나요?
K (킨더가든) 부터 8학년 학생들은 모두 신청 가능합니다.
조이풀 러닝 방과후 학교 프로그램은 누구에게나 평등한 교육의 기회를 제공하기 위해 개설되었습니다. 저소득층 가정의 경우 financial assistance 지원을 받아 학비의 최대 100%-25%의 지원을 받을 수 있습니다.
저소득가정 해당 기준은 밑에 연간 소득이 표기되어 있는 링크를 통해 확인하실 수 있습니다.
HUD (The Department of Housing and Urban Development) Income Limits
3. 프로그램 학비는 얼마인가요?
조이풀 러닝 방과후 학교 프로그램은 추가의 재정적인 지원 없이는 매달 $100 입니다.
4. 제가 재정 지원에 해당이 되나요?
재정적인 지원의 해당 여부는 기본적으로 연방정부 HUD (Department of Housing and Urban Development) 에서 명시한 FY income limit을 따르고 있습니다. 자세한 소득 한도 기준은 매년, 가족 구성인원 수, 주/국가에 따라 달라질 수 있습니다.
최종 결정은 기브챈스 헤드쿼터에서 해당 가정의 연간 소득, FY income limit 분류표, 상담 내용, 가정 상황 등 여러 요건을 종합적으로 평가한 뒤 내려집니다.
5. 어떠한 재정 관련 서류들을 제출해야 하나요?
저희는 연간 소득이 표시되었는 지난년도의 세금 보고서 서류(Form 1040)의 제출을 필요로 합니다. 현재 세금 신고를 하실 수 없는 상황이라면 201-266-0640으로 전화주신뒤에 저희에게 상황을 설명해주시면 됩니다. 이러한 경우에는 다른 추가적인 보충 서류들을 제출하여야 합니다.
저희가 인정하는 추가적인 보충 서류들의 예시입니다:
- 학교로부터의 받는 무상 급식 서류, 급식비 차감된 것이 명시된 서류.
- SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program or food stamp) 자격 증명 서류
- SSI (Supplemental Security Income) 자격 증명 서류
- 해당 가정의 재정적 상황을 설명해 줄 수 있는 사람의 추천서 (Recommendation letter 양식 다운로드 링크)
6. 조이풀 러닝 방과후 학교 프로그램은 언제, 어디서 제공되나요?
대면 (In-person) Center Locations:
356 Changebridge Rd, Pine Brook, NJ 07058 (Parsippany, NJ) -화, 수, 목
500 Broad Ave, Palisades Park, New Jersey 07650 (Palisades Park, NJ) -월, 화, 목, 금
5806 Springfield Blvd, Oakland Gardens, NY 11364 (Bayside, NY) -화, 수, 목
비대면 (Online Zoom) -월요일부터 금요일
Password: 111111
*각 센터의 운영 시간, 날짜는 상황에 따라 변경될 수 있습니다. 자세한 사항은 밑에 적혀있는 센터별 연락처로 전화/이메일 주시면 감사하겠습니다.
*저희 프로그램 스케줄은 주정부 공립학교들의 교육 일정들과 모든 공휴일들을 준수합니다. 여름방학과 겨울방학동안의 프로그램의 구체적인 날짜는 매년 새롭게 결정됩니다.
프로그램 진행 시간: 오후 4:00 - 오후 6:00 (EST)
대면 수업 (In-Person)
1. 필요시 어디로 연락을 해야하나요?
프로그램의 센터 리더 선생님들께 연락을 부탁드립니다. 따로 연락처를 가지고 계시지 않으시다면 밑에 저희 오피스 연락처로 문의해주시면 감사하겠습니다.
전화: (201) 266-0640 or 이메일:
비대면 수업 (Online, zoom)
1. 프로그램 미팅 참가에 문제가 생기면 누구에게 연락해야 하나요?
전화: (201) 266-0640 or 이메일:, 로 연락주세요.
학생의 이름과 현재 상황을 설명해주시면 도움이 됩니다.
2. 제 아이가 프로그램에 잘 참여하는지는 어떻게 확인하나요?
리드 티쳐 선생님들이 아이들과 봉사자들이 따로 1대1 로 수업중인 미팅방들에 수시로 들어가서 학생들과 봉사자들이 잘 소통하고 있는지, 수업 퀄리티가 유지되고 있는지 확인합니다. 또한 6시에 수업이 끝나면 모든 봉사자들은 학생과 그날 했던 수업을 녹화해서 제출하고 저희가 별 이상 또는 문제가 없었는지 검토합니다.
일반적인 문의사항
1. Joyful Learning 프로그램 구성이 어떻게 되나요?
Joyful Learning 방과후 학교 프로그램은 크게 두가지로 이루어져 있습니다: 학업 (숙제)의 보조와 추가적인 교육, 학습입니다. 프로그램이 시작되면 봉사자들은 먼저 학생의 학교 숙제를 함께 봐주며 학생이 잘 이해하고 끝낼 수 있게 도와줍니다. 숙제가 끝나고 나면 봉사자들은 추가적인 수학/ELA 교육 자료들을 통하여 학생이 더 많고 다양한 공부를 할 수 있게 도와주며 수학과 영어 실력을 향상시켜줍니다.
**또한 미술, 음악, 춤, 과학, 코딩 등 특별한 수업들도 오픈되어 있습니다.
2. 썸머 프로그램이 제공되나요?
저희는 매년 최고의 대면 (in-person) 여름 프로그램 캠프를 진행하려고 준비중입니다. 날짜와 캠프의 주제는 장소에 따라 달라질 수 있습니다. 자세한 사항은 리드 티쳐 선생님들, 저희 오피스로 연락주세요.
3. 봉사자들은 누구입니까?
대부분의 봉사자들은 고등학교 학생들입니다. 18세 이상의 봉사자들은 background 검사가 시행됩니다.
4. 정말 수학, ELA 영어 실력 향상이 가능한가요 ?
저희는 학생 개개인에 맞는 학습 자료들과 Singapore Math의 문제지들, 그리고 추가적인 저희만의 교육자료들을 이용해 수학, 영어와 같은 학생의 핵심 과목들에서의 역량을 증진시키려고 노력하고 있습니다.
저희는 또한 학생의 현 수준에 맞는 문학 교재들과 책을 추천하고 학습합니다. 이러한 맞춤형 수업으로 인해 학생이 또래의 학생들, 또는 그 이상의 레벨까지 갈 수 있도록 지도하고 있습니다.
For Students (Spanish)
Procesode solicitud
1. ¿Cómo solicito?
Visita este enlace y sigue las instrucciones.
2. ¿Puedo enviar a mi hijo?
Los estudiantes de los grados K-8 son elegibles para aplicar.
Los estudiantes de familias de bajos ingresos son bienvenidos a aplicar. El estado de bajos ingresos de una familia es determinado por la posición de su ingreso anual dentro del Límites de ingresos de HUD (Departamento de Vivienda y Desarrollo Urbano) .
3. ¿Cuánto es el costo de la matrícula?
La matrícula de los programas después de la escuela Joyful Learning es de $100/mes sin ninguna asistencia financiera.
4. ¿Soy elegible para alguna asistencia financiera?
Su elegibilidad para la asistencia financiera se decide por su ingreso anual y dónde cae según los límites de ingresos del HUD (Departamento de Vivienda y Desarrollo Urbano). Detallado los límites de ingresos varían por año, el tamaño del hogar y el estado/condado.
5. ¿Qué tipo de documentosfinancieros aceptan?
Le pedimos su documento de declaración de impuestos del último año (Formulario 1040) que indica sus ingresos anuales.
Si esto no se aplica a usted debido a su incapacidad para declarar impuestos (es decir, estatus de inmigrante inestable), puede llamarnos al 201-266-0640 y explicarnos su situación. En este caso, puede presenter documentos suplementarios.
Ejemplos de documentos complementarios aceptables:
-Carta de almuerzo gratis o reducido de su escuela
-Prueba de elegibilidad de SNAP (Programa de Asistencia Nutricional Suplementaria o cupones de alimentos)
-Prueba de elegibilidad de SSI (Seguridad de Ingreso Suplementario)
- Carta de recomendación completada por alguien que pueda hablar por su situación financiera
6. ¿Cuándo y dónde se ofrece el programa extracurricular Joyful Learning?
Ubicaciones de los centros presenciales:
*356 Changebridge Rd, Pine Brook, NJ 07058 (Parsippany, NJ) - martes, miércoles y jueves
*500 Broad Ave, Palisades Park, New Jersey 07650 (Palisades Park, NJ) -lunes, martes, jueves y viernes
*5806 Springfield Blvd, Oakland Gardens, NY 11364 (Bayside, NY) - martes, miércoles y jueves
En línea (Zoom) -Lunes a Viernes
Password: 111111
*Las fechas de operación de cada centro están sujetas a cambios debido a las circunstancias.
*El horario del programa sigue el calendario académico de las escuelas públicas del estado y observa todos días festivos nacionales. Las fechas específicas para las vacaciones de verano e invierno se determinarán cada año.
Hora de Operación del Programa: 4:00 p.m. a las 6:00 p. m. (EST)
En persona (In-Person)
1. ¿Quién es mi punto de contacto?
Comuníquese con el maestro principal de su centro. Si aún no está conectado con ellos, por favor Póngase en contacto con la sede durante el horario de oficina.
Llame: (201) 266-0640 o Correo electrónico:
En línea (Online)
1. ¿A quién debo contactar si mi hijo nopuede unirse a la reunión?
Llame: (201) 266-0640 o Correo electrónico:, diga el nombre del estudiante y la situación
2. ¿Cómo sé que mi hijo se está desempeñando bien?
Por lo general, el maestro principal va a cada sala de reuniones de zoom (donde los estudiantes y voluntaries tener sesiones por separado) y verifica el estado del trabajo, la fluidez de la comunicación y la calidad de la educacion. Se requiere que los voluntarios graben su sesión de enseñanza de zoom y envíelo al final del día para que los maestros principales puedan volver a revisar toda la sesión.
Consulta general
1. ¿Cómo está estructurado este programa?
El programa extraescolar Joyful Learning se estructura en torno a dos ejes: Asistencia con las tareas y Enriquecimiento adicional. Durante cada sesión, primero ayudamos al estudiante a terminar su tarea. Luego, brindamos sesiones adicionales de enriquecimiento de Matemáticas/ELA utilizando nuestros recursos educativos. y materiales Consulte estos enlaces para ver nuestros recursos y materiales educativos.
También ofrecemos clases extracurriculares especiales según disponibilidad. Clases extracurriculares provistos hasta ahora incluyen artes visuales, música, danza, ciencia, codificación, ELL, etc.
2. ¿Ofrecen un programa de verano?
Hacemos todo lo posible cada año para proporcionar un campamento de verano en persona. Las fechas específicas están sujetas a cambiar y puede ser diferente según la ubicación. Por favor, pregunte a su profesor principal o a la sede oficina para más detalles.
3. ¿Quiénes son los tutores voluntarios?
Estudiantes de secundaria. Los voluntarios mayores de 18 años pasan por una verificación de antecedentes.
4. ¿Qué quiere decir con enriquecimientoen Matemáticas/ELA?
Brindamos apoyo de recuperación en Matemáticas con el objetivo de apoyar la competencia de los niños en las áreas académicas básicas. asignaturas. Utilizando Singapore Math (Marshall Cavendish Education) y complementarios hojas de trabajo de acuerdo a las necesidades de cada estudiante, brindamos sesiones de tutoría que son personalizado al nivel de cada alumno.
Brindamos apoyo correctivo en alfabetización en inglés para aumentar la competencia de los niños en las materias básicas. sujetos académicos. Utilizando la serie Great Books (Great Books Foundation), proporcionamos Sesiones de tutoría personalizadas al nivel de cada alumno. El programa de enriquecimiento de inglés servirá para que los estudiantes alcancen o superen el nivel de competencia del grado de acuerdo con las normas nacionales. Normas básicas comunes.
For Volunteers (English)
Online Session
1. What link do I use for the Joyful Learning Program?
Passcode: 111111
Program Hours: Monday-Friday (4pm-6pm)
2. My student is not responding. What should I do?
Please notify the situation to us through telegram or by coming to the main session, where the lead teacher is. We will contact the student's guardian and follow up with you. Please indicate the student's name and brief description of what happened in the message.
*** If you have any questions or requests during the online session, please reach out to us by sending us a telegram message. Or, you can talk to the lead teacher in the main session on zoom. ***
3. My student(s) have no homework. What should I do?
We have educational resources on our website:
On the website, navigate to "Board", then to “Educational Resources”. You can ask the students what they want to study: Math, ELA, or Reading Comprehension.
Our Educational Resources are grouped by grades and subjects.
-Math & ELA contents are categorized by topics and subtopics. In each subtopic folder, there are Google slides, digital worksheets, and Youtube videos for the students to master the concept.
-In the Reading Comprehension folder, there are online articles and journals of various topics, combined with discussion prompts or reading comprehension questions. These activities are designed to foster students' critical/analytical reading and discussion skills.
4. The student looks very tired and refuses to do an enrichment session.
As the tutor, you can decide when the student will have a break. To refresh their brain and increase productivity, you can try playing educational games with them, watching educational videos, or giving them a 5-10 minute break from the class.
5. I need permission to record the meeting.
Only the host and co-hosts are allowed to record the meeting. The lead teacher (Host) has the ability to make you a co-host, and this is normally done as soon as you come in to the online session.
Please check if you are assigned as a co-host before joining your breakout room.
If you realized only after you joined your breakout room that you did not have a recording permission, please come back to the main session and let a staff member know.
*** Only laptops and desktop computers allow you to record your session. IPads and mobile phones do not support the recording feature. As volunteers, please be sure to join from laptops or computers. We value the recordings as the key element that allows us to supervise your works. ***
6. What should I do if I do not get matched with a student?
Sometimes you might not get matched with a student, as we work on everyone's various schedules. In this case, you will be assigned various research tasks.
Click this link for more information about research work.
7. There are different staff members online every day. If I have a question, who do I ask?
All our staff members monitor the All Volunteers group chat on telegram. If you send your question through the group chat, whoever is available will respond ASAP. If you are not in the group chat, please ask any staff member to add you.
In-Person Session
1. Where are the in-person learning centers?
We have three in-person learning centers.
1. Parsippany Learning Center
- Where: 356 Changebridge Rd. Pine Brook, NJ 07058
2. Palisades Park Learning Center
- Where: 500 Broad Ave. Palisades Park, NJ 07650
3. Bayside Learning Center
- Where: 5806 Springfield Blvd, Oakland Gardens, NY 11364
2. When are the program hours?
1. Parsippany Learning Center
- Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 4-6 PM(EST)
2. Palisades Park Learning Center
- Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 4-6 PM(EST)
3. Bayside Learning Center
- Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 4-6 PM(EST)
3. What are the responsibilities?
1. Arrive 10 to 15 minutes prior to the scheduled time (4:00PM).
The details may differ depending on the center, so it is best to talk to the lead teacher for more information. However, general duties include:
1. Set up the tables and chairs.
2. Set up snacks in accordance with the lead teacher's instructions.
3. Be knowledgeable of the location of all supplies and materials.
4. Assist with homework and additional Math or English enrichments. Each center has learning materials including Math & ELA workbooks and printed worksheets of other subjects. Be knowledgeable of where they are located.
5. Assist with extracurricular activities. Board games, arts and crafts materials, coloring book pages, etc. can be provided. Be knowledgeable of where the materials are and guide through using them safely and neatly.
1. The day(s) of the week you signed up for are considered as weekly commitments.
2. Absences must be communicated 48 hours prior to your scheduled session. Otherwise, it will be considered as "no-show".
3. Only Family Emergency and Health issues are exceptions and can be communicated in less then 48 hours.
4. If you need to leave early, make sure to inform your lead teacher in advance.
4. What are the Benefits?
1. All volunteers are eligible to apply for the Presidential Volunteer Service Award. The Presidential Volunteer Service Award is a national award that recognizes the community service hours an individual has spent in a course of an year. According to their age and the volunteer hours accrued during the year, each volunteer may be eligible to receive a gold, silver, or bronze medal.
At Give Chances, the annual time frame for this award is from November 1st, nnnn to October 31st, nnnn+1. PVSA hours are always calculated in this time frame.
2.Additional Benefits
- Support for your personal projects that align with our mission
- Meeting with various professionals
- Leadership opportunities in the volunteer council (visit link: Chance Makers)
- Opportunities to share your knowledge, passion, and experience as a part of our nationwide volunteer group
- Community connection and involvement
- Philanthropic opportunities
- Supervised tutoring experience and working with children
- Professional referrals in college or job applications
- Volunteer tutor training sessions provided before and during your tutoring experience
3. Recommendation Letters
Recommendation letters can be written for the volunteers' college or job applications. To be eligible to request a recommendation letter, one must have committed to serve with us for at least 3 consecutive months, and have been in a good standing with our policies.
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